DevOps & AWS

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Need to make sure that software is delivered quickly, continuously, and with a high level of consistency? By automating and streamlining your IT processes, DevOps, an approach to software that fosters tight cooperation between software engineers and IT operations staff, will assist you in achieving this. To ensure that your business plan can always rely on high-quality software, our skilled DevOps engineers will work with you to fine-tune the delivery, deployment, development, security, and maintenance of any high-load, fail-safe system with microservices architecture.

teknodotsit, a reputable Amazon Partner with expertise in DevOps and other IT disciplines, offers to take over the management of your AWS-based IT infrastructure.

In order to keep your AWS services and applications stable, expenses reduced, and necessary modifications made swiftly, we employ our expertise gained from thirty years in the IT industry. The AWS managed services from teknodotsit are made to reduce your management efforts and provide you total control over our IT infrastructure management operations.


Teknodotsit covers the following AWS services:

  • AWS Compute Services
  • AWS Application Integration
  • AWS Storage
  • AWS Database
  • AWS Migration and Transfer
  • AWS Analytics
  • AWS Machine Learning
  • AWS Internet of Things (IoT)
  • AWS Mobile Services
  • AWS Management and Governance

We utilise our DevOps knowledge, such as implementing CI/CD pipeline, applying IaC strategy, automating infrastructure configuration process, etc. to accomplish rapid and painless implementation of changes inside your AWS-based IT infrastructure.


Through four steps, our DevOps process assists you in automating and improving your IT operations:


To identify every hurdle preventing the successful implementation of your software plan, our DevOps team conducts an end-to-end review of your IT processes and software architecture.


We offer potential DevOps solutions for your IT problems, providing you an idea of the team size, cost, and timeline before the solution is implemented.


Our DevOps engineers are equipped to handle any issue with your software infrastructure, implement continuous delivery in accordance with your corporate goals and culture, build up a clear release management methodology, and more.


DevOps solution implementation is an ongoingly challenging problem. We define the duration for assistance before we begin, and we give support until your software release runs well.

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